I have been listening to my body asking a singular question.  It asks over and over.  I think it has been asking since I quit running.  The voice has gotten emphatic lately, as if it is getting an answer – and not liking it,

Are you going to choose your body?

That is the question.  For months, at least, the answer has been “Yes – in a minute…”  My body is saying that my answer means “No.”

It is right. I see that.

I work out each weekday morning with my husband.  We do 15 minutes of calisthenics and 15 minutes of acupressure and breathing or stretching.  For him, it has resulted in muscle development and a Spiderman physique, thanks to testosterone.

For me, the estrogen influence doesn’t make the same result.  It’s good for me – but it is not enough.  In fact, somehow, I have been hurting myself.

Weight lifting results increased muscle, though subtle, stabilization of glucose and cravings, and an increased sense of wellness.  However, this is not weight lifting.


Cardio workouts are great for circulatory and respiratory health, and I personally love the runner’s high.  As a long-distance hiker, I know how to settle into a pace and how to push. Cardio has the negative effect of causing me to crave carbs unless balanced with some weight lifting.  Whatever we are doing with calisthenics, it is not enough.

My body has been telling me this for a long time.

Today I decided to listen.

If you have been my reader for long, you know what this means. Yep, it is time for a Challenge.  I haven’t framed my challenge, and you can help here.  It must be sustainable, have a relatively short duration, fit into my life, and give me – well, a challenge.  I think it should incorporate my elliptical and yoga.

See you on the fit side.

Tama Cathers


Photo Credit: Marylin Monroe by Phillip Haesman




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